44 Results

Application of pharmacokinetic models to projection data in positron emission tomography

Author:  Ralph Paul Maguire
ISBN:  T42
Published:  1999 | 195 pp. | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Clinical Investigation of the Dopaminergic System with PET and 18F-Fluoro-L-DOPA

Author:  Terrence Rayford Oakes
ISBN:  T41
Published:  1999 | 236 pp. | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Clinical Photon Beam Treatment Planning Using Convolution and Superposition

Author:  N. Papanikolaou
ISBN:  T22
Published:  1994 | 217 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Commuted Ion Chambers for Measurement of Field Uniformity

Author:  M. Siedband
ISBN:  T33
Published:  1994 | 64 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Coronary Blood Flow Measurement Using Digital Subtraction Angiography and First Pass Distribution Analysis

Author:  N. Hangiandreou
ISBN:  T13
Published:  1990 | 157 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Defect Clustering in LiF TLD-700

Author:  X. Yuan
ISBN:  T38
Published:  1983 | 119 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Defect Clustering in LiF TLD-700

Author:  X. Yuan
ISBN:  T38
Published:  1983 | 119 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Determination and Use of Radiobiological Response Parameters in Radiation Therapy Optimization

Author:  Panayiotis Mavroidis
ISBN:  T43
Published:  2001 | 223 pp. | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Determination of the Spatial Autocorrelation Function of Ultrasonic5 Scatterers Using the Frequency Dependence of Backscattering

Author:  M. MacDonald
ISBN:  T19
Published:  1992 | 155 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Development and Evaluation of Acquisition and Reprojection Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Author:  F. Korosec
ISBN:  T16
Published:  1991 | 285 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Development and Initial Characterization of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dosimetry System

Author:  D. Thomassen
ISBN:  T35
Published:  1990 | 91 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Dynamics of Neural Systems

Author:  Jun Chen
Published:  1986 | 122 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Effect of Blood Shear Forces on Platelet Mediated Thrombosis Inside Arterial Stenosis

Author:  N. Maalej
ISBN:  T18
Published:  1994 | 205 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Effects of Calibration Spectra on Mammographic Exposure Measurement

Author:  J. Coletti
Published:  1995 | 116 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Electron Energy and Angular Distribution in Radiotherapy

Author:  J. Deasy
Published:  1992 | 294 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Electronic Scanning-Slit Fluorography

Author:  D. Plenkovich
ISBN:  T24
Published:  1989 | 48 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Evaluation of 14(R,S)-[Fluoro-6-Thia-Heptadecanoic Acid (FTHA) as a Positron Emission Tomography Fatty Acid Tracer of Beta Oxidation in the Heart

Author:  R. Pooley
ISBN:  T27
Published:  1995 | 136 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Fricke Radiation Dosimetry Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (M.S. Thesis)

Author:  M. Podgorsak
ISBN:  T26
Published:  1989 | 112 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Imaging Characteristics of X-ray Capillary Optics for Application to Digital Mammography

Author:  D. Kruger
ISBN:  T17
Published:  1995 | 122 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

In-vivo Receptor Pharmacology Studies with -Adrenergic Receptors in Isolated Perfused Rat Heart

Author:  D. Raffel
ISBN:  T28
Published:  1993 | 219 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Investigation of Applications of X-ray Fluorescence to Scanning of Tissue Concentrations of Iodine and Cadmium

Author:  K. Cranley
Published:  1982 | 158 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

An Investigation of Partially Extracted Tracers Used to Determine Myocardial Blood Flow with PET

Author:  B. Christian
Published:  1994 | 164 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Investigation of the Cerebral Pharmacokinetics of the F-18 Labeled Anesthetics Isoflurane and Halothane Utilizing PET

Author:  M. Satter
ISBN:  T31
Published:  1992 | 181 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Investigations on the Application of a Microton Accelerator for Radiation Therapy

Author:  A. Brahme
Published:  1975 | 173 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Kinetics and Metabolism of [18F]-Labeled L-DOPA Analog PET Tracers

Author:  C. Endres
ISBN:  T11
Published:  1994 | 154 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Kinetics of Copper Pyruvaldeyde Bis(N-Methylthiosemiccarbazone): A Blood Flow Tracer for Positron Emission Tomography

Author:  C. Martin
ISBN:  T20
Published:  1992 | 166 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Localized Two-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy on a Whole-body Scanner

Author:  L. Ryner
ISBN:  T30
Published:  1994 | 236 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Measurement of Myocardial Utilization of Long Chain Fatty Acids Using w-Labeled Radioanalogs

Author:  T. DeGrado
ISBN:  T10
Published:  1988 | 171 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Measurement of Neutron Kerma Factors at 18, 23, and 25 MeV

Author:  C. Hartmann
ISBN:  T14
Published:  1991 | 184 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Measuring the Fluence of Clinical Electron Beams

Author:  M. Zaini
ISBN:  T39
Published:  1995 | 186 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Neutron Kerma Factor Measurements in the 25 MeV to 85 MeV Neutron Energy Range

Author:  W. Newhauser
ISBN:  T21
Published:  1995 | 163 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Noninvasive Measurement of X-ray Tube Potential

Author:  F. Ranallo
ISBN:  T29
Published:  1993 | 202 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Quantitative Methods for the Anatomic and Functional Assessment of a Coronary Stenosis

Author:  D. Weber
ISBN:  T37
Published:  1990 | 166 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Radiation Parameters of High Dose Rate Iridium-192 Sources

Author:  M. Podgorsak
ISBN:  T25
Published:  1993 | 273 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Radiolabelled Antibody Imaging

Author:  A. Perkins
ISBN:  T23
Published:  1985 | 325 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Shielding Measurements for a 230 MeV Proton Beam

Author:  J. Siebers
ISBN:  T32
Published:  1990 | 163 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

A Single-exposure Dual-energy Computed Radiography Technique for Improved Nodule Detection and Classification in Chest Imaging

Author:  F. Zink
ISBN:  T40
Published:  1993 | 143 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Statistical Parameter Estimation in Ultrasound Backscattering from Tissue Mimicking Media

Author:  Jian Chen
Published:  1994 | 178 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Study of Dual-energy Computed Tomography as a Technique for Measuring Bone Mineral Density

Author:  J. Vetter
ISBN:  T36
Published:  1990 | 183 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Thermoluminescent Response of Several Phosphors to Monoenergetic Photon Beams with Energies from 275 to 2,550 eV

Author:  R. Carillo-Beltran
Published:  1993 | 122 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Tomotherapy del for the Physical Optimization of External Beam Radiotherapy: 1993, 247 pp.,

Author:  T. Holmes
ISBN:  T15
Published:  1993 | 247 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Two-pulse Sequences for NMR Imaging

Author:  K. Gjesdal
ISBN:  T12
Published:  1993 | 232 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

The Use of Tissue-air Ratio with High-energy Photon Fields

Author:  B. Thomadsen
ISBN:  T34
Published:  1988 | 353 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00

Water-equivalent Plastic Scintillation Detectors for High-energy Photon and Electron Beams

Author:  A. Beddar
Published:  1990 |  231 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00