#32 Integrating New Technologies into the Clinic: Monte Carlo and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (CD-ROM Version) Price Reduced!
Author: Bruce H. Curran, James M. Balter, and Indrin J. Chetty, Program DirectorsISBN: 9781888340600 ISBN10: 1888340606
Published: 2006 | | CD-ROM
Price: $ 37.95 was 75.00
Table of Contents
Monte Carlo Sessions:
The Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transfer
Alex F. Bielajew
Monte Carlo Methods for Accelerator Simulation and Photon Beam Modeling
C.-M. Charlie Ma and Daryoush Sheikh-Bagheri
Use of the Monte Carlo Method in Accelerator Head Simulation and Modeling for Electron Beams
Bruce A. Faddegon and Joanna E. Cygler
Monte Carlo Simulations: Efficiency Improvement Techniques and Statistical Considerations
Daryoush Sheikh-Bagheri, Iwan Kawrakow, Blake Walters, and D. W. O. Rogers
Monte-Carlo-based Clinical Treatment Planning: Issues for Consideration
Indrin J. Chetty and Jan P. Seuntjens
Measurement Issues in Commissioning and Benchmarking of Monte Carlo Treatment Planning Systems
Jan P. Seuntjens, Bruce H. Curran, Bruce A. Faddegon, and Joanna E. Cygler
Monte Carlo Applications in IMRT Planning and Quality Assurance
Jeffrey V. Siebers and C.-M. Charlie Ma
Monte Carlo Treatment Planning: Interpretation of Noisy Dose Distributions and Review of Denoising Methods
Iwan Kawrakow and Alex F. Bielajew
Monte Carlo Systems in Pre-clinical and Clinical Treatment Planning: Pitfalls and Triumphs
Joanna E. Cygler, Emily Heath, George X. Ding, and Jan P. Seuntjens
Joint MC-IGRT Sessions:
Motion Compensation Using Rigid Body Approximations in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning
Mihaela Rosu, Daniel L. McShan, Randall K. Ten Haken, and Indrin J. Chetty
Management of Moving Targets in Radiotherapy
Steve B. Jiang
Acquiring 4-D CT Data for Monte Carlo Calculations
Paul J. Keall and Kristy K. Brock
Monte Carlo Non-Adaptive 4-D Treatment Planning in Conformal Radiation Therapy: Why, How, and What To Look For
Mihaela Rosu, Indrin J. Chetty, Marc L. Kessler, and Randall K. Ten Haken
IGRT Sessions:
Commissioning and Use of Conventional CT
Sasa Mutic
Clinical Use of 4-D CT
Daniel A. Low
Use of Imaging Systems for Patient Modeling PET and SPECT
Sasa Mutic
MRI in Radiation Treatment Planning and Assessment
Yue Cao and Lili Chen
Image Registration and Data Fusion for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
Marc L. Kessler and Michael Roberson
In-Room Use of Volume Agreement
Lei Dong, Lifei Zhang, and Laurence Court
In-Room Radiographic Imaging for Localization
Fang-Fang Yin, Zhiheng Wang, Sua Yoo, Devon Godfrey, and Q.-R.. Jackie Wu
Fluoroscopy for Image-Guided Radiotherapy
Martin J. Murphy
Ultrasound-Guided In-Room Imaging for Localization
Bill Salter
In-Room Imaging for Localization: Video, Surface
Scott W. Hadley
In-Room Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Jan-Jacob Sonke, Peter Remeijer, and Marcel van Herk
In-Room CT Imaging: Conventional CT
Lei Dong and Jennifer C. O’Daniel
The Integration of Position-Monitoring and Targeted Radiotherapy Control Systems
Paul J. Keall, Sastry Vedam, and Martin J. Murphy
Image-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy Model
Di Yan
TomoTherapy’s Implementation of Image-Guided and Dose-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy
Katja Langen, Sanford Meeks, Patrick Kupelian, Ken Ruchala, Weiguo Lu, Jason Haimerl, Quan Chen, Eric Schnarr, and Gustavo Olivera
On-Board Imaging System: Implementation and Quality Assurance Procedures
Rabih Hammoud, Sua Yoo, and Harrison Guan
Imaging Dose During Image-Guided Radiotherapy
Martin J. Murphy