Has Radiation Protection Become a Health Hazard  Price Reduced!

Author:  Gunnar Walinder
ISBN:  9780944838969      ISBN10:  0944838960
Published:  2000 | 166 pp |  Softcover

Price:   $ 19.95      was 39.95





The intent of this book is to question the asserted scientific basis of some of the current doctrines within the field of radiation protection, to examine the models which are based on this asserted knowledge and which form the basis of radiological risk assessments, and to question whether or not the radiological doctrines have sometimes caused greater health and environmental problems than those which we seek to avoid.

This title is distributed by Medical Physics Publishing in the U.S. and Canada only. If you live in another country and would like to order the book, please contact: The Swedish Nuclear Training & Safety Center, S-611 29 Nykoping, Sweden