Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, Second Edition
Author: Patton H. McGinleyISBN: 9781930524071 ISBN10: 1930524072
Published: 2002 | 184 pp. | Hardcover
Price: $ 65.00
Radiology (Review of the First Edition) | May 1999
Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Review of the First Edition) | Vol. 83, No. 3 (1999)
SCOPE (Review of the First Edition) | March 1999
Medical Physics (Review of the First Edition) | August 1998
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (Review of the First Ed. | May/June 1998
Health Physics (Review of the First Edition) | July 1998
Australian and New Zealand Physicist (Review of the First Edition | July/August 1998