Applied Radiobiology and Bioeffect Planning Price Reduced!
Author: David WiggISBN: 9781930524057 ISBN10: 1930524056
Published: 2001 | 486 | Softcover
Price: $ 79.95 was 180.00
Sample Chapter [pdf format]
Index: Glossary: Bibliography: Appendices
Includes FREE Bioeffect Equations Software
Interactive CD
With this CD, you can change the variables and observe the resulting effects, via graphs, of 14 clinically relevant radiobiological planning models.
The software may also be downloaded from
The purpose of this book is to encourage the development of bioeffect planning as an experimental tool so that bioeffect plans may be compared with standard isodose plans. The limitations of isodose planning become apparent in many common clinical circumstances when such comparisons can be made. The fundamental problems of the derivation of useful biological models for clinical application and the description of tumor and normal tissue parameter values and their variability are addressed. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing the predictive value of the models and parameters against clinical results of fractionated and continuous irradiation either alone or combined. Most of the models and graphs are "live" and interactive, permitting instant recalculations and redisplay of the graphs as the variables are redefined. The author acknowledges that bioeffect planning is strictly an experimental tool to compare with conventional isodose plans which, for the foreseeable future, remain the standard against which all plans must be judged. However, he believes this work will be helpful in advancing the application of modern and rapidly evolving radiobiology to clinical practice.