The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons
Author: Peter Metcalfe, Tomas Kron and Peter HobanISBN: 9781930524361
Published: 2007 | 916 pp | Softcover
Price: $ 120.00
Sample Chapter [pdf format]The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons is an updated successor to The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays from Linear Accelerators published in 1997. This new volume includes a significant amount of new material, including new chapters on electrons in radiotherapy and IMRT, IGRT, and tomotherapy, which have become key developments in radiation therapy.
Also updated from the earlier edition are the physics beam modeling chapters, including Monte Carlo methods, adding those mysterious electrons, as well as discourse on radiobiological modeling including TCP, NTCP, and EUD and the impact of these concepts on plan analysis and inverse planning.
This book is intended as a standard reference text for postgraduate radiation oncology medical physics students. It will also be of interest to radiation oncology registrars and residents, dosimetrists, and radiation therapists. The new text contains review questions at the end of each chapter and full bibliographic entries. Fully indexed. Selected questions and answers from The Q Book, The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays: Problems and Solutions are updated and integrated into the text.