Clinical Fundamentals for Radiation Oncology Residents

Author:  Hasan Murshed, MD
ISBN:  9781930524286
Published:  2006 | 400 pp.  | Softcover



Sample Chapter [pdf format]

Illustrated with tables and figures
Durable, flexible cover material: 5 x 7-inch size easily fits into a lab coat pocket.

This concise, to-the-point handbook was conceived by the author when he found he needed to compile the large amount of cancer management information available when studying for his own board certification. The resulting book provides quick access to a wealth of information.

For each of the cancer sites, there is an introduction of the known risk factors: the symptoms, signs, and investigations needed for the diagnosis, and the treatment that's indicated. Also included are radiation treatment techniques and, at the end of each chapter, there is an annotated bibliography of the relevant studies that provide a clear rationale for the recommended treatments.