The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 1

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk
ISBN:  9780944838389      ISBN10:  0944838383
Published:  1999 | 1072 pp | Hardcover

Price:   $ 175.95


Physics in Medicine & Biology  |  September 2000

“This is a very comprehensive book with more than 100 pages, 25 chapters and 53 contributors from various disciplines associated with radiotherapy but predominantly medical physics. It is not a textbook of medical physics or radiation oncology although an extensive reference list at the end of each chapter provides a means of pursuing each topic at greater depth. Advanced physics and mathematics have been kept to a minimum and hence the book is easy to read and accessible to a wide range of readers.

“The standard technologies ranging from superficial, kilovoltage x-ray through to medical accelerators, brachytherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy and total body irradiation are addressed together with topics such as medical imaging, simulation, computer planning, treatment verification, beam shaping and beam intensity modulation. Each topic is presented in detail but in a simple, clear manner liberally supported with graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs. Special emphasis has been given to equipment currently available, the basic physical principles of their operation, their design and design specifications. Tendering, commissioning, acceptance testing and quality assurance are also reviewed in detail. Most chapters commence with a historical overview and finish with a summary and description of likely future developments.

“Approximately one quarter of the chapters describe past, current or evolving technologies not normally available in radiotherapy facilities. These include such topics as particle therapy, tomotherapy, hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy, boron neutron capture and others. These are particularly useful reviews of the state of the art and potential applications.

“Although the title suggests that this is a book for medical physicists and radiation oncologists, it is more than that. It is relevant to a much wider readership including radiation therapists, dosimetrists, radiation oncology nurses and administrators. It would be an excellent reference book for students of all disciplines associated with radiation oncology and it would therefore be a valuable addition to any radiation oncology or general medical library.”

D.R. Wigg Department of Clinical Radiobiology Cancer Services Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia