Physics of Radiology
Author: Anthony B. WolbarstISBN: 9780944838952
Published: 1993 | 461 pp. | Hardcover
Price: $ 65.95
This is a textbook on the science and technology that underlie the creation
of diagnostic medical images. It is written primarily for radiology residents
and medical students in courses on the physics of radiology, and for other
interested physicians. It will also be helpful to scientists and engineers
seeking a qualitative introduction to the field of medical imaging. A primary
aim of Physics of Radiology is to leave the reader with a clear and comfortable
overview of how, for each of the principal imaging modalities, the basic
science pieces fit together to form a coherent and integrated whole. Radiology
residents who have "digested" the material in this book should have little
difficulty with the radiological physics section of the American Board of
Radiology certification examination.