Physics of Radiology

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst
ISBN:  9780944838952
Published:  1993 | 461 pp. |  Hardcover

Price:   $ 65.95


Health Physics  |  January 1994

"This textbook was carefully prepared over a period of six years and received close editorial and technical scrutiny at the request of the author by a number of well qualified researchers and educators in the field. The book was written primarily to educate radiology residents and medical students and in this regard does an excellent job. At the same time, its depth, detail, and integrated approach to the many imaging modalities provide, under one cover, a reasonably good introduction to diagnostic imaging for scientists and engineers entering this field.

"Mathematical formulations are simplified considerably and concepts are introduced repeatedly at increasing levels of complexity as the book progresses. The concepts are presented clearly in language that a layman can understand. The book starts with an introduction to radiography and the various imaging modalities. The second section concentrates on the relevance of the physical properties of matter and electromagnetic radiation to imaging. The third segment builds on these physical properties to explain the workings of screen/film radiography. The last section deals with computer based imaging. Exercises are provided in all chapters to reinforce the reader's understanding of the concepts presented. Physics of Radiology provides an excellent instructional base for teaching medical students, residents, and physicians who use imaging as a diagnostic tool. Medical physicists will probably find the material too shallow but extremely useful as a source for instructional material in residency programs. The book provides only two pages of general references so is limited in this respect for one who may wish to explore a topic in more depth. From a medical health physicist's point of view, the principles of dosimetry, interactions of ionizing radiation with tissue, radiogenic health effects, and the basis for radiation protection standards are presented correctly, concisely, and clearly."
Duncan B. Howe
Department of Radiology
University of South Carolina Medical School Columbia, SC 29208