Advances in Medical Physics: 2006
Author: Anthony B. Wolbarst, Robert G. Zamenhof, and William R. HendeeISBN: 9781930524347
Published: 2006 | 376 pp. | Hardcover
Price: $ 80.00
Table of Contents
Digital Radiography and Fluoroscopy
Wei Zhao, Katherine P. Andriole, and Ehsan Samei
Mammography and Other Breast Imaging Techniques
Libby Brateman and Andrew Karellas
Computed Tomography
Thomas G. Flohr, Dianna D. Cody, and Cynthia H. McCollough
Nuclear Medicine
Robert E. Zimmerman and Michael King
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
John B. Weaver, Douglas J. Ballon, and Anthony B. Wolbarst
Medical Ultrasonic Imaging
Jeffrey Brian Fowlkes and Anthony B. Wolbarst
Molecular Imaging
Xavier Michalet, Laurent A. Bentolila, Shimon Weiss
Overview of Medical Imaging Informatics
Katherine P. Andriole
Evolving and Experimental Technologies in Medical Imaging
Anthony B. Wolbarst and William R. Hendee
Biological Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
Antone L. Brooks, Matthew A. Coleman, Evan B. Douple, Eric Hall,
Ronald E. J. Mitchel, Robert L. Ullrich, and Andrew J. Wyrobek
Radiation Therapy
Laurence E. Court and Lee M. Chin
Magnetic Nerve Stimulation
Anthony T. Barker